What is Affiliate Marketing?

In this post, I am giving you an overview of what an affiliate marketer is and how you can create a successful online affiliate marketing business.

An affiliate marketer is someone who introduces others to products and services and when a sale is made, he earns a commission.

Who Should Be an Affiliate Marketer?

  • Stay-at- home parent
  • Military spouse
  • Retired person wanting to supplement their retirement
  • First responders wanting to earn some extra income
  • Minister who needs some extra money
  • Teacher who needs some extra money
  • Someone who has lost their job and needs a new career
  • Someone who loves to travel
  • Someone who loves to cook
  • Someone who loves to sew
  • Someone who loves jewelry
  • Someone who loves clothing
  • Someone who loves shoes
  • Someone who loves sports
  • Someone who has gotten out of prison and wants to start a new life

Anyone who wants to make extra money on a part-time or full-time basis should be an affiliate marketer. While affiliate marketing is a solid opportunity that has allowed thousands to profit (some spectacularly), it is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

One of the advantages of being an affiliate marketers is the freedom to plan your own business and your own work hours. This freedom is also your burden, since your success is in your hands.

How Do You Earn Money in Affiliate Marketing?

Whether you knew it or not, practically every blogger, every celebrity, every website and every company on the internet today is an affiliate marketer. They are all making money day after day by referring people to the products and services that they endorse. If you click on an ad or on a banner on your favorite stars blog and it is a pay-per-click ad, they get paid.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing system. It basically means that if and only if a sale is made or a specific action is taken does the referring affiliate marketer get paid.

There are numerous companies that have affiliate marketing programs where you can earn commissions for referring people to their goods and services. Some of the largest ones are Amazon, Walmart, Target, EBay, etc.

If you check with your bank, accountant, attorney, realtor, auto repair shop or auto dealership they probably have a referral commission or bonus if you send them customers who purchase their goods and services. You may be an affiliate marketer already and you did not know it.

What Is the Best Affiliate Marketing Platform to Start Your Business?

In my opinion, the best affiliate marketing platform is Wealthy Affiliate. The platform is made by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing platform that will allow you to create, grow and manage your business of any level online.

What Does Wealthy Affiliate Provide?

  • 1,000s of Training Courses
  • Live Classes
  • Personal and expert support
  • Websites and Hosting
  • Ability to network with close to 1,000,000 members

Wealthy Affiliate is the largest affiliate marketing community in the world and the most caring.

What Training Do They Offer?

There are various formats of training, depending on your learning style.

  • Online Entrepreneur Certification (50 Lessons)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70 Lessons)
  • Live, Interactive Video Classes (Weekly)
  • Course, Lesson and Task Based Training.

The training is focused on taking any level of marketer from scratch to a successful long term business in any interest or “niche”.

What Support Is Offered?

There is no reason to ever feel stuck for help within Wealthy Affiliate. There are many ways that you can get instant help. You can get help from other members, Ambassadors (highest ranking members within Wealthy Affiliate) and even the CEO of the Company.

  • Live Chats (help within seconds)
  • Comments (help within minutes)
  • Blog Post / Ask a Question (within minutes)
  • Private Messaging / Mentoring (help within hours)
  • Website & Hosting Support (help within minutes)
  • Direct Access to the CEO of Wealthy Affiliate (he personally answers every question asked of him)

What About Websites and Hosting?

The SiteRubix Suite allows you to create, manage and grow your websites. It literally helps you to build your website in as little as 30 seconds. The SiteRubix features allow you to:

  1. Select Your Domain Name
  2. Select and Enter the Title of Your Website
  3. Offers various designs for Your Website

Every successful business starts with a solid foundation, a website. Wealthy Affiliate have some of the most useful and brilliant tools for website analysis, management, ranking and security.

WordPress Hosting is a powerful and incredibly fast platform that will deliver your content in a way that will add to your users experience and will lead to better rankings and more security.

Whether you are just getting started in your online business or looking to grow several different businesses to new levels, Wealthy Affiliate hosting platform will remain robust and powerful. They take care of the technology so you can focus on your business.

How Do You Start An Affiliate Marketing Business?

Starting any business requires you to have a business plan. It is your “why” you want to start a business. It can be earning part-time income, starting a new career, wanting to travel or wanting to leave a legacy for your family. Also, you have to have a plan defining how you are going to achieve your “why”.

There are four defined processes to building a successful online business.

  1. Choose an interest (niche)
  2. Build a website
  3. Attract visitors
  4. Generate revenue

The most obvious starting point is choosing something that you are passionate about as your interest. Wealthy Affiliate uses Jaaxy keyword research platform to research your keyword interests to discover your niches and check the amount of competition for the niches.

Your website is your storefront for your business. Building your website is simple within Wealthy Affiliate. The process takes approximately 30 seconds to build a beautiful looking, mobile and revenue ready website. The state of the art ultra powerful and secure hosting will enable you to grow your business.

People are your business. Without people, you have nobody to sell to or advertise to. Within the first few lessons at Wealthy Affiliate you will learn about the most current traffic techniques and how to get lots of relevant customers to your website. Wealthy Affiliate members owns a good portion of Google rankings and own a huge share of all traffic online.

Once you have the traffic you need to “make money” from this traffic. Without spending a dime, you can promote all the top brands in the world through affiliate marketing programs. As a Wealthy Affiliate member, you will learn how you can choose from close to 600 million products/services and easily promote them on your website with no inventory, no shipping and no support required.

To Get The Most Advanced & Comprehensive Training In The Industry, Click Here

Wealthy Affiliate is absolutely the most comprehensive platform in the industry for building a business (not to mention the most cost-efficient).

For Free, you can check out Wealthy Affiliate and see what it is all about. I recommend that you do that before you commit to spending a dime. I prefer people to use their due diligence before spending their hard-earned money. If you decide to go to the Premium membership, at some time, it will be less than a dollar a day to be part of the most progressive, forward thinking and innovative online platform in the world.

If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate or what is included within their platform, please leave your questions below and I will be happy to help you out.

All the Best,


Founder of Hartland Marketing Solutions


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