What is a Blog?

In this post, we will examine the question of what is a blog? Blog is a shortened version of “weblog” and is an online diary or journal.

How do Blogs Work?

Blogging is a type of website that publishes new articles called blog posts on an ongoing basis. The content is usually published with newer content appearing first.

Blogs are usually run by individuals and range from lone writers blogging as a hobby or producing informational marketing content to build their business.

More than 2 billion blog posts were published in the past year worldwide.

Why Start a Blog?

Bloggers have their own reasons for starting a blog. Some people are looking to find like-minded people to build a network for personal or business reasons. Others want to improve their creative writing skills and some want to generate and build a business.

You can start a personal blog or add one to a business website. Blogs give your website a better chance to attract more visitors and readers. More traffic to your website means more potential customers and revenue.

Starting any business requires you to have a business plan. It is your “why” you want to start a business. Your “why” can be earning part-time income, starting a new career, wanting to travel or wanting to leave a legacy for your family. Also, you have to have a plan indicating how you will achieve your “why”.

What is a Successful Blog?

Many people believe that bloggers write online to promote their hobbies but some bloggers are very successful. They may have started their blog to make some extra money but were able to grow a successful business.

Do you define blogging success as earning six figures from your writing or is your success connected to meeting like-minded people and creating a community? Successful blogging, can be creating a fan base for your artistic creations.

Can you Make Money with a Blog?

Yes, there are several ways to make money with your blog. Affiliate marketing is the most common method by promoting products and services of other businesses. In affiliate marketing, you recommend products and services on your website to readers and earn a commission, when they buy through your link.

Also, you can use display ads on your website to make money. The ads are targeted for your readers based on your blog content.

In addition, you can get paid for writing reviews for products and services of other businesses.

Writing an E book or offering online courses can make you additional revenue.

How to Start a Blog?

Your blog is created for your audience which is called your “niche” segment of a market. When choosing a niche that fits you, you should choose something that is an interest, a passion, or a hobby. You should choose something that you would like to learn about. Not being an expert does’t matter because you will become an expert by researching the niche.

Almost anything you can think of is a niche and you can make money online from every niche because there are billions of people out there searching for information, solutions, and spending billions of dollars on products and services every day.

Choosing Your Niche

You should select the niche that interests you the most and gets you the most excited. There is no such thing as choosing the wrong niche. A few things to understand about niches are:

  1. You are going to be writing content within your niche
  2. You are going to be communicating within your niche
  3. You are going to choose products/services to promote within your niche
  4. You are going to help people with your niche
  5. Your first niche probably won’t be your last (so don’t worry about it being perfect)
  6. Any single niche website can become a “full time” income business

Best Website Platform to Build Your Blog

In my opinion, the best website platform is Wealthy Affiliate. The platform is made by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers. Whether you are just starting out, have some experience or are a highly successful marketer, Wealthy Affiliate is made for you. In addition to being the largest affiliate marketing community in the world, Wealthy Affiliate is the most caring.

Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing platform that will allow you to create, grow and manage your business of any level online. You do not need to have any experience or technical knowledge to build a successful business, with Wealthy Affiliate.

There are four defined processes to building a successful business online.

  1. Choose an interest (niche)
  2. Build a website
  3. Attract visitors
  4. Generate revenue

What Services does Wealthy Affiliate Provide?

  • 1,000s of Training Courses
  • Live Classes
  • Personal and Expert Support
  • Websites and Hosting
  • Ability to Network with close to 1 Million Members
  • Jaaxy Keyword Research Platform to Research Your Keyword Interest to Discover Your Niches and Check the Amount of Competition for the Niches

Your website is your store front for your business.

For Free, you can check out Wealthy Affiliate and see what it is all about. I recommend that you use your due diligence before spending a dime of your hard-earned money. If you decide to go to the Premium membership, it will be less than a dollar and fifty cents a day to be part of the most progressive, forward thinking and innovative online platform in the world.

If you have any questions or comments concerning this post, please submit them in the area below and I will get back to you, as soon as possible.

All the Best


Founder of Hartland Marketing Solutions


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