2021 Wealthy Affiliate Review

In this post, I am going to give you an honest, insightful and most thorough Wealthy Affiliate review and what the platform can do to provide success for you and your business.  Whether you are just getting started in your online business, have some experience or are an ultra-successful marketer Wealthy Affiliate is made for you and there is always room to grow.

Before I get into my review, I want to tell you what Wealthy Affiliate is and how it can help make your online business successful.

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-inclusive affiliate marketing platform that allows you to create, grow and manage your online business at any level.  The services include 1,000s of training courses, live classes, personal and expert support, websites & hosting and the ability to network with over 1,400,000 members.  Wealthy Affiliate is the largest affiliate marketing community in the world and absolutely the most caring.

Wealthy Affiliate has been in business for 16 years, is in 193 countries, has over 1,400,000 members, helps to build 10,000+ new businesses monthly, has 1,800+ expert coaches and over 23,000 people are helped daily.

Wealthy Affiliate – The Overview and Rankings

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Owners: Kyle Loudoun & Carson Lim

Website URL: www.wealthyaffiliate.com

Training: 4.8 out of 5.0

Support: 5.0 out of 5.0

Website Builder: 4.9 out of 5.0

WordPress Hosting: 4.8 out of 5.0

Research Tools: 4.6 out of 5.0

Success Stories: 4.5 out of 5.0

Price: Starter Member (Free) and Premium Membership ($49/month or $359/year)

HartlandMarketingSolutions.com Rating: 4.5 out of 5.0

Wealthy Affiliate training has many formats to suit your taste

Wealthy Affiliate gives you access to the most current training in the industry and teaches you the proper techniques and strategies that “work” today and will “work” tomorrow.  The training is updated daily in many cases with new training resources being rolled out to the community every day.

Building a successful online business by utilizing a defined process that anyone can follow and create a business whether you are a newbie, male or female, 20 years old or 80 years old, and regardless of where you live in the world. Success has no bias.

There is a precise 4 step process to building a successful online business

Step 1: Chose an interest

Step 2: Build a website

Step 3: Attract visitors

Step 4: Generate revenue

The most obvious starting point is selecting something that you are passionate about as your interest. As an example, I love ghost hunting and everything about it.

My business could be:

  • Becoming a paranormal investigator
  • Conducting the investigation
  • Recording the investigation
  • Finding haunted locations
  • Ghost hunting tools and equipment
  • Ghost hunting supplies
  • Joining paranormal societies

These are just seven directions or “niches” that I could use, off the top of my head.  There are literally 100,000’s of directions that you could use with your business and Wealthy Affiliate provides you with everything that you need to build out that business (or multiple businesses).

Before I get into the different types of training offered by Wealthy Affiliate, I just want you to know that if you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate or as you go through the review, you can scroll down to the bottom and leave your comments and I will promise to get back to you within 24 hours.

There are various formats of training, depending on your style:

  • Online Entrepreneur Certification (50 Lessons)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70 Lessons)
  • Live, Interactive Video Classes (Weekly)
  • Video & Text Based Tutorials (1,000+)
  • Course, Lesson & Task Based Training

The training is created for all levels of marketers, with a positive focus on taking marketers from scratch to a successful long term business in any “niche”.

==> To Get the Most Advanced & Comprehensive Training in the Industry, Click Here!

Wealthy Affiliate Support, A Community of “Caring” Experts

The biggest problem that I have seen with aspiring affiliate marketers over the years is the help, or lack thereof.  That has been a constant and evolving focus at Wealthy Affiliate and I spend a good part of my working hours helping folks personally, within the Wealthy Affiliate community.

Wealthy Affiliate Ambassadors, who are the highest ranking members have many years experience online and feel as though they can give back to those just starting out in a pay it forward style.

There is literally no reason to ever feel stuck for help within Wealthy Affiliate.  There are many ways that you can get instant and elaborate help within Wealthy Affiliate.

  • Live Chats (help within seconds)
  • Comments (help within minutes)
  • Blog Post / Ask a Question (within minutes)
  • Private Messaging / Mentoring (help within hours)
  • Website & Hosting Support (help within minutes)
  • Direct Access to Kyle (CEO and Co-Founder of Wealthy Affiliate)

The last one is not always instant but he does get back to every question that is asked of him personally.

Where else in the world are you going to be able to get access to the CEO of a company, directly, without even being a paying customer.  I have not heard of another company doing this other than Wealthy Affiliate on a scale that they offer support.  This is how much they value the idea of helping and supporting people through the process of building successful business online.

The SiteRubix Suite. Create, Manage and Grow Your Websites

Every successful business starts with a solid foundation, a website. Create and grow your business with the SiteRubix website platform at Wealthy Affiliate.  In addition to the websites, Wealthy Affiliate has some of the most useful and integrated tools for website analysis, management, ranking and security.

Think of your website as your “storefront” for your business.  Building your very own website is simple within Wealthy Affiliate. The process takes approximately 30 seconds to build a beautiful looking, mobile and revenue ready website.  State of the art, ultra powerful and secure hosting will allow you to grow your business with Wealthy Affiliate.

Building your website is a three step process:

  1. Selecting your domain name
  2. Entering your title for your website
  3. Choosing your design template for your website (3,000+ design templates)

The average age of people that have built websites are 8 years to 97 years and the average time to build the website is 34 seconds.  Wealthy Affiliate websites run on a powerful and incredibly fast platform that will deliver your content in a way that will add to your user experience, better rankings and more success.

WordPress Hosting, It is Brilliantly Powerful and Intricately Secure

Wealthy Affiliate provides a hosting experience you can feel safe running your business.  They take care of the technology so you can focus on your business.

Whether you are just getting started within the online space or looking to grow several businesses to new levels, Wealthy Affiliate hosting platform (called SiteRubix) will remain robust and powerful every step of the way. People are running a million dollar businesses on Wealthy Affiliate platforms.  They can support your business now and forever.

Website rankings can be impacted by slow hosting. Site speed is one of the core focal points with SiteRubix hosting platform at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate offers all clients “double hosting”.  If one of your websites were to go down for some reason, Wealthy Affiliate has a “mirror” of your website running at all times.

There are several layers of security that shield your websites and keep them secure so you can sleep easy.  Wealthy Affiliate has daily snapshots of your website (backups) that comes with all of your websites.

With the starter membership for free, you get 2 free SiteRubix.com websites and with the premium membership ($49 per month) you get 25 free SiteRubix.com websites and 25 of your own domains.

Being Great in Any “Niche” Requires the Proper Tools

Wealthy Affiliate utilizes the keyword research platform named “Jaaxy”.  Jaaxy is the industry’s only keyword and research platform that was developed by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers.  With Jaaxy, you are getting the most advanced, yet useful platform in the world for managing all aspects of keywords, websites, competition and market research.

Jaaxy is the keyword tool that can offer accurate traffic, competition and domain insights into billions of keywords. This keyword research tool will allow you to quickly discover unique, hot and untouched keywords that you will then be able to used to drive your SEO and PPC campaigns to new heights.  Google, Bing and Yahoo data are pulled directly within Jaaxy, offering you a 99% keyword and associated data coverage for all your searches.

Meet Me in Vegas, A Lucrative Recurring Affiliate Program

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the most exciting affiliate programs available anywhere online and you can earn consistent revenue by simply referring others to the community.

How much can I earn?

For each referral that signs up as a Premium member your commissions are $8.00 for the first month for the special offer of $19.00, then $23.50 monthly, thereafter or $235.00 for yearly commissions.  Starter members can earn $4.00 for special offer referrals, then $11.75 monthly, thereafter or $117.50 for yearly commissions.

For each referral as a Premium Plus member your commissions are $23.50 for the first month special offer of $49.00, then $46.50 monthly, thereafter or $465.00 for yearly commissions.  Starter members earn $11.75 for special offer referrals, then $23.25 monthly, thereafter or $232.50 yearly commissions.

By achieving 300 Premium Referrals in a calendar year you will earn an invitation to hang out with Kyle, Carson and other Super Affiliates in an all expense paid Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference.  Besides hanging out with some great people, you will discuss where Wealthy Affiliate is headed in terms of technology, innovation, education and improvement of services.  The conference is more about how to help people, than it is about telling people how to sell Wealthy Affiliate better.  If Wealthy Affiliate can help more people, then their service is going to continually get better.

 My Final Word + Special Bonus!

Whew!  That post was a bit longer than intended, but there is a lot going on within Wealthy Affiliate.  It is absolutely the most comprehensive platform in the industry for building a successful online business (not to mention the most cost efficient).  Wealthy Affiliate was created by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers.

For Free you can check out Wealthy Affiliate and see what it is all about. That is what I recommend that you do before you commit to spending a dime.  I prefer for people to use their due diligence before spending their hard-earned money.

==> Click Here to Get the Most Advanced & Comprehensive Training in the Industry

How To Claim Your Bonus!

When you join your Free Starter account, I am going to offer you a bonus if you decide to become a PREMIUM MEMBER in the first 7 days, including a 59% discount.  When you create your your account at Wealthy Affiliate, I will be personally contacting you on your profile page with my “hello” and some more information about Wealthy Affiliate and getting help from me and how to claim your bonus.  I know that you will be very pleased with the awesome information that you will receive!

You will never know what you have been missing all these years, until you enter the Wealthy Affiliate experience!

If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate or what is included within the platform at Wealthy Affiliate, please drop your questions below and I will be happy to help you out.

All the Best,


Founder of Hartland Marketing Solutions



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